Wading Through the Mess

Grief, Self Care

I’ve been struggling to figure out something to say to you. Something reassuring. Something hopeful. Something comforting. All of us are suddenly living in a world turned upside down, and we’re all – myself included – craving safety right now. Confusion, fear, anger, anxiety, and uncertainty are on the daily menu for the whole world right now. I don’t know … Read More

Opioids and Chronic Pain: What’s the REAL Epidemic?


I have access to opiates. And I’m curious about what it would be like to get high. The two are connected, aren’t they? It’s a no-brainer, right? Not if you have severe chronic pain, like me. For people like me, opiates allow us to function. For people like me, they are essential for any quality of life. For people like … Read More

Monkey Bars, Gremlins, & Chronic Illness

Chronic Illness

I failed at the monkey bars. Remember those things? When I was a kid, they taunted me. Gym class, recess, and after school, I would try, over and over, to hang on to each bar long enough to get to the next one. I never could. Over the years, the monkey bars became symbolic of all the things I somehow … Read More

Default Stress Response


Default Stress Response

I got knocked off balance yesterday. I’ve gotten pretty good at going with the flow, looking at the bigger picture, and seeing things in a positive light. Except when I don’t. Every once in a while, something happens and I feel like a huge wave has swept over me and I lose my footing…which then leads to me beating myself … Read More

Authenticity & Hiding

Chronic Illness

Authenticity & Hiding

Think about how your ears feel when you are taking off in a plane. The pressure between inside and outside your ears is not equal. It can hurt. You’re distracted and your hearing is muffled, so communication can be hard. You start swallowing hard to try to equalize the pressure. When your ears finally “pop”, you relax and return to … Read More

About Suffering


About Suffering

“Do you suffer from Ehlers Danlos Syndrome?” Another coach asked me this question and I laughed. I’m not kidding, I did! But it’s such a serious question, about a serious topic. Why the heck would I LAUGH??? Because her question already told me what she expected me to say. Because the two things – illness and suffering – are assumed … Read More

Turnamen Depo 25 Bonus 25: Bermain dengan Teman Jadi Lebih Mudah dari yang Anda Bayangkan

General Coaching Stuff

Deposit 25 Bonus 25 telah menjadi permainan yang dinikmati sebagai hiburan santai bersama teman-teman selama beberapa generasi. Dikenal sebagai permainan strategi yang membutuhkan waktu untuk dikuasai, Depo 25 Bonus 25 biasanya dimainkan di Casino. Namun, Anda tidak perlu jauh-jauh ke Casino untuk merasakan keseruan ini. Dengan teknologi internet, Anda bisa menikmati turnamen Depo 25 Bonus 25 bersama teman-teman Anda, kapan … Read More